Hannah's blog before Charity (妹妹還沒生時的網誌): http://hannahourbaby.blogspot.hk/
2013年8月14日 星期三
媽媽怎麽跟2嵗兩個月的小孩講Skype Skyping with 26 Month Old Hannah
這是兩三個月前媽媽在香港跟Hannah講skype的影片。基本上,我們的對話就是Hannah拿她的玩具來獻寶,媽媽幫玩具“配音”,竟然也可以講得很開心。 This is a video of Mommy skyping with Hannah from 2-3 months ago when Mommy was in Hong Kong. Our lively conversation basically consists of Hannah showing off her toys of the day and mommy making sound effects for those toys.