Charity may not be able to speak much yet, but she certainly communicates. Here, she says: “I want more orange; put it on my table please." And if using signs and gestures is too much trouble? No problem, she will just serve herself!
2014年12月11日 星期四
不太會説話,很會表達 She May Not Speak Much But She Can Communicate
妹妹説話比姐姐晚,但是靠著比手劃腳,卻能準確的表達自己的要求。比方説:“我要多一點橘子,放我桌上就對了。” 有時候嫌比手劃腳麻煩,索性就自己動手拿了。
Charity may not be able to speak much yet, but she certainly communicates. Here, she says: “I want more orange; put it on my table please." And if using signs and gestures is too much trouble? No problem, she will just serve herself!
Charity may not be able to speak much yet, but she certainly communicates. Here, she says: “I want more orange; put it on my table please." And if using signs and gestures is too much trouble? No problem, she will just serve herself!
2014年12月7日 星期日
2014年12月5日 星期五
妹妹愛Dora Charity Loves Dora
妹妹跟著姐姐看Dora. 看懂多少不知道,但是倒是看得認真,每次Dora完成任務,她絕對變成最忠實的拉拉隊。好開心啊!
Charity is Dora's ultimate cheerleader!
Charity is Dora's ultimate cheerleader!
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